Thursday, February 14, 2013

Higanbana - The First Night - English Patch 1.2

Apologies for the wait with the translation of The Second Night, and thanks for everyone's support despite of that. We are gradually making progress and are committed to seeing this translation through to the end. Unfortunately, as is the nature of these kinds of projects, we cannot provide an estimate as to how long it will take.

However, for people who have yet to read The First Night, today we are releasing an updated translation for it:

Release changes
  • Windows and Mac installers
  • Detection of incorrectly-installed patches
  • Save/load system improvements
  • Music room enhancements
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Typo/grammar fixes

Warning: Saves in-between chapters can become corrupted. If you're changing patch versions, wait until you've completed your current chapter to avoid corrupt save problems.

In addition, we are currently looking for additional translators. If you have a good grasp of the Japanese language and would be willing to help us out, we'd really appreciate it. There's no obligation to translate a certain amount of text, so you can try it out and if it's not for you, you can stop whenever you want. Please contact us by sending an email to:

contact (AT) spiderlilytranslations (DOT) com

Many thanks!